21 Nov 2015

Visit in library

Pupils and kids decided to visit the place were books are "living". They want to showed their European friends that they like reading books and know how to take care of them.
Kindergarten visit in library (Poland).
We like the library so much that we were in 2 different library. We "met" with books four times :)
Visit in library on PhotoPeach
Pupils from Greece (Veria) had the chance to visit their local library and during the visit, pupils were acquainted with the place, the staff and services. Some borrowed books, some had new library cards taken out and all of us watched a presentation of Oliver Jeffers book: “Lost and found” which is about the friendship developed between a little boy and a penguin when the boy decided to take the penguin back home. Pupils enjoyed the activities that followed the presentation.

Some activities about classroom library in Greece (Lesvos)

Pupils from Georgia in library

Kids from Latvia in their classroom library

11 Nov 2015

Lessons about eTwinning and our partners

Kids from Poland had lesson about eTwinning and prepared poster for parents to show project work and put name of blog to watch.They also want to prepare video with project name.

On Friday the 6th, pupils from Greece - Veria met their partners by watching the introducing ourselves videos-nice work! They also did some reading and writing practise of english by watching Ania`s pupils.

Pupils from Greece - Lesvos enjoy watching and reading about partners from other countries...it's so strange for them listen to different languages...but they love it! Children take, two hours in the week, English lessons. So they took the change to listen English and translate with our English teacher our partner's video!!!

7 Nov 2015

My favourite fairy tale - interview

Your favorite fairy tale is ...?










5 Nov 2015

International Day of Fairy Tale Characters

On 5 November all parters celebrated International Day of Fairy-Tale Characters. It was a day full of happy endings :)

1 Nov 2015

Far, far away ...

We want to introduce our Happily ever after eTwinning partner team. We are from: Poland, Greece, Italy, Turkey, Georgia, Latvia, Estonia. Far, far away ...